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A few quick reviews

WOW! I don't remember when was the last time I posted a beer review here! (I do, it's all a matter of checking the blog archive, but it sounds nicer this way). Since I'm sure not few of you are missing them, I thought it would be a good idea to put together the short reviews I posted on my Facebook page in the last couple of months in a way that it would put them in a..... Who am I kidding. I'm lazy and busy, can't be arsed with anything else today. Here they are thanks to the magic of ctrl+c and ctrl+v.

Beer Here Farlig Wine: Imprisoned in a barn full of hops there's a luscious, dark, strong willed beauty screaming to be set free. One of those beers that walks on a very thin tightrope with half a pint too many under its belt... The screams aren't loud enough. With a few IBU's less this could be an awesome beer...

St. Georgen Dopplebock Dunkel. A perfect beer for a day like this. It's a bit like re-reading a good novel, it won't surprise you, but it doesn't let you down... (this was posted in early January, so the weather was rubbish).

Beer Here Nordic Rye Ale: Earthy with a little spice, piney, barely balanced with a tiny bit of roughness. A nice Sunday afternoon sipper at 8%ABV.

I'm not a fan of Pale (Bocks or) Dopplebocks, but this (hefetrüb) from Greif Brauerei is pairing wonderfully with spicy Asturian home made chorizo

Beer Here Smokestack Porter: Lovely stuff that confirms what I said a few days ago...
I must admit that I bought this one because of the label. It turned out to be a triumph of Brewing over Graphic Design. Incredibly fruity, almost like a dollop of summer. More voluptuous than Sofia Loren cca. 1965, but with that dry, spicy Belgian edge that keeps things flowing smoothly like a good traffic cop in a busy intersection.
Stille Nacht. This must be the way a cocktail of Metaxa and Oloroso Sherry must taste like, I guess... It should have a drinkability warning, with 12%ABV it goes down daaangerously easy...
Tlustý Netopír from Pivovar Antoš (Slaný) a Rye IPA that is as good as the label is ugly... Great, interesting, fantastically balanced, almost too drinkable for a 17º...
Old Slug Porter. Starts out with a lovely, tasty bang but then it kind of gets bored of your company....

Beer Here Hoptilicus, after the almost hoppy mess of Farlig Wine, I wasn't expecting much. Turned out to be great, a beer in stereo, on one channel rich, juicy hops, on the other, solid, warm malts. The only disappointment was not having another bottle at hand.

Great stuff, isn't it?

Na Zdraví!

PS: Selected readings will come out on Monday.

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