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I wasn't going to do this, but

I didn't feel like writing a wrap up of this year, but after reading Knut's (who chose me as one of the bloggers of the year!) and The Beer Nut, I liked the format, which actually was thought up by Mark Dredge, so I changed my mind and decided to give it a go. Here you have it (with some adjustments):

Best Czech beer, draught: U Medvídku 1466, specially when Laďa, its creator, taps me a couple straight from the lagering barrel. Honourable mentions: anything from Kout na Šumavě, Tambor 11° and Matuška Weizen.

Best Czech beer, bottled: Bakalář Polotmavý Výčepní, ever since I discovered it I can't have enough of it. Honourable mentions: Svijanský Rytíř and Primátor Weizenbier.

Best Imported beer, draught: Well, we aren't exactly spoilt for choice here, but still, Schlenkerla Märzen.

Best Imported beer, bottled: This was by far the most difficult choice, as this year I've tasted so many wonderful beers. After a lot of consideration the one that came on top was Haadnbryggeriet Norwegian Wood. Honourable mentions: Guineu Montserrat and St Peter's Mild (review to be published soon).

Hospoda of the year: This won't be a surprise to anyone following this blog, Zlý Časy, for everything they've already done and for what they are planning to do as well.

Best beer blog: Among all the blogs I follow through feeds, etc. that I greatly enjoy to two that come top because of their contents are Martyn Cornell's and Ron Pattison's, which should be mandatory reading to anyone remotely interested in beer.

Open Category, personal: Becoming a father. On a more beer related side, being hired by Bar&Beer.

Next year I would like to go: On holidays, anywhere, I really need it...

Na Zdraví!

Choose a Hotel in Prague in the city centre.
