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It was to be expected

October was a very interesting month regarding quality and variety of styles. I tasted more imported beers than usual, fortunately not only the Ukranians, but some better ones that I will be talking about soon, and several more of domestic production.

Among them it's worth mentioning the delicious Imperial Stout from Pivovar Anteňaka. A very black beer, with a coffee and molases nose, and predominantly roasted taste with coffee that slowly turns into chocolate by the end, and the really interesting Old Ale from Pivovar Kanec. Brown, with notes of caramel, licorice and apple in the nose and an interesting mix of caramel and dry bitter notes when drinking.

Kozlíček, that very interesting microbrewery, that if it wasn't for the good people of Zlý Časy, who bother to order a couple of barrels every now and again, we would probably never see in Prague, delighted us with their tmavé special. A beer that does not try to be either exotic, nor extreme, it simply wants to be a good specimen of Czech dark lagers, mild roasted and caramel form a very well balanced flavour with a dry floral finish, revealing a generous presence of Saaz hops, that leaves a light brown sugary aftertaste, that invites another sip.

Of course that among the best stuff that went down my throat in October I should mention those two beauties from Pivovar Bašta, that were the centre of my happy reunion with the brewpub from Nusle. If it hadn't been for that one that showed up by the end of the month, either the kouřované o the pseničné could have easily been a winner.

And the prize goes to none other than Primátor Stout, which I've been drinking a lot the last few days, and I like it more and more with every sip. It makes me really happy to see a industrial brewery that is thinking a little outside the box, and makes beers that are not only different, but also of very good quality.

Congratulations again to the people of Náchod

Na Zdraví!

During October I was able to taste 33 different beers, not bad. The total, then, goes up to 310.

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  1. For me the beers from Bzenec,Kolicek, Sentice and Joes garage, all at zly casy get the honours, in fact Zly casy gets the top honours.
    Heard a rumour Rambousek beer may be at Pivni Klub soon.

  2. I was told on Monday that there would be a Rambousek soon. It would be grand if PK would get some brews from Zamberk as they are excellent, and I really want to try the Old Ale.

  3. I liked Bzenec, interesting beer, it tasted like a weizen, though I was told several times that it wasn't. Would have ranked better in summer, not in autumn, didn't go too well with the weather.
    I drank Joe's Garage last year, and it was much better, the version I had at Zlý Časy was a bit tuned down from the one that nearly blew my head off a year ago.
    Kozlíček is simply awesome, yesterday they were tapping PTM speciál and it was simply lovely! Honza, from Zlý Časy told me that he had agreed with the brewer to have it at least once a month. That is great news. Oh! and BTW, he has ordered Primátor Stout.


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